Léa Dunand-Chatellet, is a graduate of the École Normale Supérieure (ENS), with an agregation in economy and management (university highest-level competitive examination for teachers’ recruitment), and is also a member of various committees on the Paris financial market. She teaches courses on responsible investment in some of France’s major business schools on a yearly basis and co-authored a key publication in 2014 “SRI and Responsible Investment” (published by Ellipse, available in French only).
Léa started her career in 2005 at Oddo Securities’ extra-financial research department, then became portfolio manager and Head of ESG research at Sycomore Asset Management in 2010. She spent five years at the company, setting up and managing a range of SRI funds with AUM of €700m, achieving a top AAA ranking from Citywire. Working within the investment management industry, she developed a pioneering extra-financial model that includes sustainable development issues in the fund management approach. In 2015, she joined Mirova as Equity CIO, managing a team of ten equity portfolio managers, with AUM of €3.5bn.
Léa Dunand-Chatellet was appointed Head of the Responsible Investment department at DNCA Finance in June 2018.

Romain Avice is a graduate from EDC et holds a Master’s degree in finance.
In July 2008, he joined DNCA Finance as a portfolio manager assistant before becoming analyst / portfolio manager for the Gallica fund in december 2012, for DNCA PME in december 2014 and for DNCA Invest Beyond Infrastructure & Transition in June 2015.
In July 2020, he will join DNCA's Responsible Investment division as manager and deputy head of the Responsible Investment division.

Matthieu holds a DEA in Finance from the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II). He is CFA* certified.
Matthieu began his career in 1998 with various experiences in asset management within the Crédit Agricole Indosuez, Crédit Lyonnais, State Street Global Advisors and CDC IXIS Asset Management groups before devoting himself exclusively to equity management from 2004. Initially focusing on European equities, he then moved exclusively to managing emerging market portfolios in all geographical areas from 2006 onwards.
In June 2022, Matthieu Belondrade joined DNCA's Responsible Investment division as SRI Manager-Analyst and ESG Policy Officer.
*CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst ® are registered trademarks of the CFA Institute.

Arthur holds a Master's degree from ESSCA in market finance and the European CESGA® (Certified ESG Analyst) certificate from EFFAS.
Arthur starts in 2018 as a financial analyst at Ostrum Asset Management. He actively participates in the implementation of a methodology for extra-financial analysis, as well as the implementation of the voting policy and shareholder engagement for Ostrum's equity management, where he is appointed SRI analyst.
Since 2020, he has been an SRI analyst within the investment team responsible for DNCA Finance.

Aude has a Master's degree in Finance from ESSCA.
In September 2020, she joined DNCA Finance as an SRI analyst for Beyond.

Coura Thiam graduated from ESLSCA in Finance and holds the CEFA - Certified European Financial Analyst - delivered by the SFAF.
She started her career in 2010 at Mandarine Gestion Asset Manager before joining CM-CIC Securities in the custody function.
In 2015, she joined DNCA Finance in the Liability Management team, before her appointment in 2021 to the "Responsible Investment" division as SRI Analyst.

Abdoul is an engineer from ENSIMAG and holds a Master's degree in Finance from IAE Grenoble.
Abdoul starts in 2021 at Alphedra. He then worked as a consultant at DNCA.
In 2023, he joined DNCA's "Responsible Investment" division as a Sustainable Investment Analyst Programmer.

Florent holds a Masters in Market Finance from INSEEC, Paris.
Florent Eyroulet is equity Portfolio Manager/Analyst specialized in companies with a Smart Cities profile (energy transition, future infrastructure and mobility, technology). He is the lead PM for the investment team managing DNCA Euro Smart Cities and an investment team member for DNCA Euro Dividend Grower. He is also responsible for listed real estate investments for an OPCI managed by AEW.
He began his career in 2003 and has more than 15 years’ experience (Ostrum AM, DNCA Finance).
He has over 20 years professional experience (CDC Ixis, Ostrum AM, DNCA Finance).