Our policies and reports frame our strategy as a responsible investor.

This policy addresses the management of sustainability risks, ESG analysis, exclusions, and active engagement with companies. We also participate in international initiatives such as the Paris Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity.

This policy addresses risks related to environmental, social, and governance factors (sustainability risks) in compliance with the European SFDR Regulation (Article 4) and the French Energy and Climate Law (Article 29).

We adhere to the European Transparency Code (AFG-FIR-Eurosif) to ensure full transparency on extra-financial factors and to share our expertise in this evolving field.

This policy examines the negative impacts of our investments on sustainability factors and details how we align our strategy with the objectives of the Paris Agreement and biodiversity goals.

It describes how we engage in dialogue with companies to encourage better practices and actively exercise our voting rights in General Meetings.

This policy explains how we exclude controversial companies and sectors from our ESG strategies, such as those involved in controversial weapons, coal, unconventional oil and gas, as well as those that do not adhere to the United Nations Global Compact.

Presents our CSR commitments, involvement in industry initiatives, sustainable development strategy, action levers, and results in sustainable and responsible practices.

Strengthens transparency on the climate and biodiversity impact of our portfolios, fully integrating ESG criteria in line with the climate and biodiversity objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity.

Details our shareholder engagement and voting activities, focusing on climate, transparency of extra-financial information, and social issues.

Explains how we integrate ESG criteria into our investment process in accordance with the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI).

Includes our annual climate trajectory and the impact of our investments on water and land use.

Highlights the positive influence of effective ESG management on reducing the cost of capital, supported by quantitative analysis and proven methodologies.