Stock markets frequently see unpredictable movements. For investors taking large directional bets, generating steady returns can be somewhat uncertain. In an environment in which bond markets offer limited potential returns and funds denominated in euros are declining, Absolute Performance represents an attractive alternative for investors looking for steady returns with limited volatility.
Using Hedged-Long strategies, managers try to identify European securities that might outperform their sector or market indices. Returns are therefore based on the fact that the companies acquired outperform the corresponding indices. The Long-Short strategy can also profit from the underperformance of stocks viewed as being overvalued.
Fund performance is thus primarily built around stock picking and little or marginally on what direction the market moves even if the management team might have a greater or lesser directional bias* in different funds.
The Absolute Performance strategy thus targets controlling volatility and preserving capital. It represents an interesting alternative to traditional asset classes for investors who are looking to diversify.