Investing in equities typically offers better long-term performance potential reflecting the higher risk. It is also a means of helping develop and finance companies, and play a part in their growth. Picking the right stocks requires time and good market knowledge.
Jean-Charles Mériaux, Fund Manager and Chief Investment Officer
Because taking opportunities means avoiding crowded spaces, our investment decisions are solely driven by high convictions, something that can result in significant deviations from benchmarks. Our high-conviction management is underpinned by a ceaseless effort to balance risk return.
Our market knowledge and the experience of our management teams means we can stay in touch with a host of French and European companies. We top up the financial analysis with regular discussions with company management and site visits.
These local links are key and enable a 360 analysis to identify the companies with the best growth prospects and thereby support them over time.
All our fund managers are also analysts. Discussions between equity and fixed income specialists within the team mean that the company can be looked at from the perspective of the creditor and shareholder so as not to overlook any aspect of its strategy and its long-term commitments. Qualitative analysis, which aims to pick out future successes, is combined with quantitative analysis.
Lastly, an analysis of the macro-economic environment makes it possible to actively tailor our portfolios to changes therein based on our expectations.
Our fund manager-analysts pick stocks from a pool of companies they know and track over time. Our frequent get-togethers with business leaders, along with site visits and product and service tests allow us to understand their strategy and thereby corroborate and confirm our investment decisions over time.
We closely monitor stock values. Divergences between a company’s present or anticipated intrinsic value and its stock market price thus make it possible to identify investment opportunities that offer long-term value creation.
Remaining disciplined in terms of purchase price is part of our daily philosophy. This is a key performance criterion.
Isaac Chebar, European Equity Fund Manager
Value investing means investing in discounted stocks, namely companies with a stock price below the company’s intrinsic value.
Investors can, for example, use multiple stock exchanges to compare companies between each other and/or vis-à-vis their historic valuations: Price-Earnings ratio, Price-to-Book ratio, Price-to-Sales ratio, Price-to-Cash-Flow ratio or to dividend.
Value stocks are generally overlooked and underestimated by the market at a given point in time, and the investor is hoping the stock price will revert to fair value.
Growth investing favors stocks with the best top and bottom line growth prospects. Growth stocks are generally favorably priced companies with above average stock markets multiples and growth. They also have a generally low dividend payout rate because they reinvest profits to drive growth.
Growth investors buy a stock in the hope that its future intrinsic value will be higher than its current intrinsic value, thereby anticipating an increase in the stock price over the medium-term.
Carl Auffret, European Equities Fund Manager
European Equities Blend
DNCA Invest Archer Mid-Cap Europe
A selection of quality European mid-cap companies at attractive prices.
European growth stocks
DNCA Invest Europe GrowthAn actively managed fund that aims to profit from European growth
Value stocks
An actively managed conviction-based fund investing in French stocks where the market price does not reflect the company’s true value.
In a world where information is public, the only competitive advantage is time.
Equity Quality Growth
Investing in sustainable and innovative companies
NIMI DNCA Global Emerging Equity
Global excellence in emerging markets
An opportunity to invest in companies leading in Europe
Excellence and growth in the Eurozone
DNCA Invest Euro Dividend Grower
DNCA Europe Smaller Companies Fund
Today’s entrepreneurial excellence for tomorrow’s future leaders
DNCA Actions Small & Mid Cap Euro
Today’s entrepreneurs, tomorrow’s future leaders
To contribute to the development of small and medium-sized companies in the Euro Zone
To contribute to the development of micro caps in Euro Zone
DNCA Actions Small & Mid Cap France
Today's entrepreneurs, tomorrow's leaders
DNCA Invest Sustainable China Equity
Invest in sustainable and innovative Chinese companies
Invest today in tomorrow's world