Alert: DNCA Finance identity theft. DNCA Finance, an affiliate of Natixis Investment Managers, draws the public's attention to the impersonation of DNCA Finance by various individuals or companies based abroad, including a company presenting itself as a financial services company called "Influx Finance". These individuals and companies fraudulently refer to the name of DNCA Finance or DNCA Investments in their dealings with individuals to recommend investments of various kinds (bitcoin, gold, shares, etc.).

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FundsISIN codePortfolio InventoryKIDProspetoRelatório semestralRelatório anualNotice to shareholdersEstatutosPre-contractual disclosureConvocation to the Annual General MeetingPeriodic SFDR reporting
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FundsISIN code
FundsISIN code
FundsISIN code
FundsISIN codeKIDProspetoRelatório semestralNotice to shareholdersPre-contractual disclosurePeriodic SFDR reporting
FundsISIN code
FundsISIN code
FundsISIN code